Saturday, July 4, 2020

How to Connect Wireless Adapter to Kali Linux 2020

Hello Friend, 

let talk today about a problem facing a lot of us when it came to Wireless Pen Testing with Kali 2020, and the problem is when you connect your wireless adapter to Kali Linux its seems like no thing has been connected, so for that matter we will doing the following, 

I'm considering that you just installed Kali 2020, so you will need to set the sources.list, its enable you to do your systems update and install the tools that you want, so let set up our sources.list by using the commands below, in terminal, 

echo "deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list

echo "deb kali-last-snapshot main non-free contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list

echo "deb kali-experimental main non-free contrib" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

but, i would like to mention that if you logged in with kali user you will need to provide the kali's password with the first command, or you can add a Root user to your system by following the commands here

after that, now you OS  is ready to be updated by using the command, 

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade 

it will take some time to finish updating and upgrading, the last thing to do right now is installing the driver for wireless adopter by using the command, 

sudo apt install firmware-ralink 

now if you adapter is connecting, you will notice that the wireless networks start to be discovered. 

for that matter that's it, hoping it was useful for you, don't forget to leave a reaction to this post. 


Friday, July 3, 2020

Wireless Networks Pen Testing with LAZY SCRIPT

Hi Friends, 

let talk today about wireless networks penetration testing as a lot of people talk about in these days, at first i would to say its not easy to hack your neighbors WiFi, but there are tools that makes it easy to you with no coding and with no any effort. 

so,for that matter today we will going to talk about LAZY SCRIPT

its a script for wireless networks pen testing that have a lot of tools embedded in it, so by installing this script you will be able to deal with a lot of tools for the same matter. 

LAZY SCRIPT  is used with all types of WiFi encryption, and an different method is used with each encryption, for example  

Handshake         (WPA-WPA2)
Find WPS pin    (WPA-WPA2)
WEP hacking     (WEP) 

its enable you to crack passwords or enter Wi-Fi networks near you and a lot more, like
quick access to network information such as "gateway", your IP address, MAC address, and ARP scan to detect all other devices on the network.

and the good thing about it that it use an graphical interface to deal with just by typing numbers. 

This powerful tool in usage and simple in use, used to penetrate wireless networks, also it has easy  installation, setup and use

To install the tool, open a new terminal and type the following commands: 

git clone

navigate inside the installed folder 

cd lscript

make the file executable 

chmod + x


After downloading the tool now, you can open it via a new terminal and type the letter "l" the first time. 

You will be asked to enter the name of the interferes in the status of  Monitor Mode and Managed Mode of the wireless adapter, and continue your pen testing 
to get results fast and easily. 

In addition for WiFi tools it also use for other cyber attacks like,

Email spoofing
Metasploit automation (create payloads,listeners,save listeners for later etc...)
Auto eternal blue exploiting (check on ks) -> hidden shortcuts
Browser auto-exploiting with BeEF and MITMf
SQLmap automated

all what you have to do, is choosing the number of the action you want to take. 

Good luck, leave me a comment with your experience with LAZY SCRIPT

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

How to create Root user in Kali Linux 2020

Hello Friends, 

as we all know that the new version of Kali Linux came up with no root user,it have just a kali user with password kali in order in minimize the privileges, and by default there is no super user anymore, but we can create the root user with its super privileges. 

so, lets start 

start up your Kali Linux with the kali/kali as username and password, after that open the terminal, 

in terminal 

sudo su 

then press Enter, 

the system will ask you about the password, 

write down the kali password which is kali

so, i need you to notice now that your user has been switched to root, 

so after getting the root user you should set a password to the user to be able to login with root user so, write 


then press enter

then write your root user password's twice to conform the password. 

and now try to logoff and login with root, and enjoy using Kali Linux 2020 with your own superuser. 

if you want to watch these steps in a video press here

leave a reaction if you want to continue with these posts. 

good luck. 


Saturday, June 27, 2020

NAT Protocol

Hello Friends, 

today let us talk about NAT, what it mean, how it works and what it did to make the IPv4 handle to this moment.  

NAT ( network address translation) its a Protocol works with IPv4 in order to avoiding any IP loss, and how is that if you ask! 

by using a privet IP in our LAN network, these privet IP don't provide internet service without using a public IP. 

at first the privet IP were translated to public IP in a way each privet IP translated to a public IP, but when the internet usage where increased, there were no enough public IPs to be translated for. 

as solving for this problem, PAT protocol has introduced, it's work the same as Nat protocol but it has the ability to translate all the private IPs in same LAN to one public IP, by using a virtual ports and each privet IP will reach the internet using the same public IP with different specific port. 

the number of virtual ports that can be used is 65535 virtual port, work with all technologies. 

by using this protocol we reducing the cost of buying public IP for each device inside the LAN, and we also reducing the amount of  PUBLIC IP used in the world to make it enough for all countries and users. 

at the end a IPv6 has been introduced in order to solve the problem of running of IPs.

How to Browse the Internet Anonymously ?!

Hello my friends, 

I know long time no see, last post was published in 2018, but back again with you in a weekly posts. 

so, today we will talk about the privacy while browsing the internet keeping your IP and DNS information away from others hands, because our data is important. and I think it shouldn't be soled for any reason. 

Unfortunately some websites or browsers don't keep your information and your data and use them as it wants, may be sells it, or keep it in their hands for a future usage,

Of course that can impact you in a negative way, so let begin to know how the browsers can impact you. 

lets talk about google for example, google gives you 

  • Best search results.
  • Personalized results.

But it also,

  • Tracks every move you make, even when you leave the search results.
  • Sells ads based on your informations.
On the other hand, let's talk about duckduckgo, another web browser that considered as 
most privet search engine, and

  • Dose not track users  or save any search results.
  • Its first priority is protecting user privacy. 
  • In addition to that it has a clean interface, and ease of use 

so, if you think in your privacy really you should start to protect yourself, and your information from being soled. 

so, take a look for this photo it makes it easier for you, to use the right search engine according to your activity. 

If you want best results go for google is the best one to give what you want, but in some cases when you want privacy I recommended duckduckgo Specially for Ethical Hackers and Cyber Security Specialists when they want not to be traced by their IP or DNS information  

and also, another POSTS about anonymity will be published soon on our blog, by following all the recommendations that given to you, you will be able to achieve maximum anonymity. 

Don't forget to follow our blog t get notified when a new post has been published. 

see you soon.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

How to allow copy and paste between Virtual machine and your Host using VMware workstation

Hello everyone,

Today we will talk about a big problem that face us and it's solution is very simple, 

Allowing copy and paste between virtual and real machine,
let's start :

click install VMware tools

Go to files and double click on the DVD Drive : VMware Tools

Click next

Choose typical

Click finish

And now you should restart your virtual machine 

Now it's ready for copy and paste
I hope it was helpful for you, follow me for more 

Sunday, June 24, 2018

How to join an account to the domain

Hello everyone, Today we will join an account to the domain 

first step is open network and sharing center, by right click on the Ethernet icon,

Click on Details,

 Take a note of your IP 

Click on close, and open properties,

open IPv4,

Setup your IP and mask and put in the gateway the domain's IP and in DNS server the domain's IP too,

Ping the domain,

Right click on the windows icon, 

Put a name to the PC and write the domain name,

Name and password of a user or admin is already existed in the DC,

And that's it 
I hope it was helpful for you